
Our Hydrocarbon removal systems can be installed as plug-and-play systems or specifically designed for the project's requirements.

Removal of Hydrocarbons must be considered when sites have historical exposure to petroleum-based products and other organic compounds.  Oil is chemically bonded and will never be released back into the water streams.

Key features include:

  • Removes hydrocarbons, Colloidal Heavy Metals, Organic Polymers and Persistent Organic Pollutants.
  • The filter system is rated at 10 L/s, up to a maximum total flow of 20 L/s, depending on system configuration.
  • Highly efficient at 99.9% single-pass efficiency and will not release pollutants back into the water stream once they are captured.
  • The hydrocarbon removal system used by NPE has been successfully used on many sites around Australia.