Chemical dosing unit

Our Chemical Dosing Unit (CDU) is a pH correction system used to treat extracted groundwater with high or low pH and Total Titratable Acid (TTA) levels
The CDU is also used to successfully treat water with Possible Acid Sulphate Soil (PASS), ammonia and nitrogen oxide content. They can be custom-built for a client’s specific requirements and have processing rates ranging up to 60 L/s.
CDU Features:
- Fully automated chemical dosing system
- Web-based remote monitoring and adjustment
- Fully insulated and ventilated
- Fully bunded chemical storage
- Eye wash station and chemical handling PPE
- Solar powered
- Self-contained and Portable
- 24/7 monitored alarm system
- Custom built to suit project-specific requirements
- Easy to adjust pH dosing unit
- Fully Lockable
- CDU Specifications:
- Length: 1.96 m (CDU Plus: 2.4 m)
- Height: 2 m (CDU Plus: 2.4 m)
- Width: 1.94 m (CDU Plus: 2.2 m)
- Dry Weight: 1050 kg (CDU Plus: 2250 kg)
- Gross Weight: 2200 kg (CDU Plus: 3750 kg)
- Max flow rate: 60 L/s
- Min flow rate: 1 L/s
- Internal pipe diameter: 150 mm
- Max chemical capacity: 1 kL
- Max bund capacity: 1.2 kL
NPE provides water treatment chemicals at competitive prices, delivering to site using compliant fleet and equipment. All chemicals used on site are risk assessed with safety data sheets (SDS) provided and stored appropriately in secured and labelled bunded IBC’s.
NPE can assist clients with finding the correct water treatment chemicals to suit the water treatment requirements. Ensuring the most effective and lowest consumption rates are applied.

The Chemical Dosing Unit (CDU) is a pH correction system used to treat contaminated water with a high or low pH and high Total Titratable Acidity (TTA) levels. The CDU is also used primarily to treat water from Acid Sulphate Soil landscapes, but can also be used to treat ammonia, for disinfection and subsequent dechlorination of water mains, for clarification of lakes and other water bodies, for dispersal of pest-control measures in waterways, and more.