Successful Mechanical Dewatering, Perth Metro WRRF

NPE is an expert in digester cleaning and sludge removal. We are proud to announce that NPE has been awarded another anaerobic digester contract to clean, empty, screen and desludge the material via one of our new state of the art mobile centrifuge units for one of our valued clients. With support from our Conhur NZ brand, we have developed specific pumping and recirculation plant for the emptying of digesters. Our system is proven to uplift, remove and separate the material contained within digesters, including rag, grits and biosolids. The plant is hydraulically powered and purpose-built to safely operate in the hazardous environments we find within these digesters. NPE has successfully mobilised all the required equipment and personnel to set up a complete pumping, screening, separation and mechanical dewatering system at the site, specifically designed for efficient removal and segregation of all materials within the digester.

Our system ensures the removal of rag and grits from the biosolids before they are removed from site. This allows more options for disposal of the biosolids via beneficial reuse solutions without the concern of contamination within the final product and avoids the need to take the material to landfill. We have maintained a minimum 20% solids content for all material processed through our new mobile centrifuge which has ensured safe and efficient transport solutions when disposing from site. NPE’s proven methods for emptying anaerobic digesters ensures the material is mixed and uplifted from the tanks efficiently and safely without damage to the digester, allowing the digesters to be cleaned and returned to service in the shortest amount of time possible. This drastically reduces the operating pressure on the plant by avoiding lengthy downtime for our clients so that their digesters are returned to service quickly and back to full operating capacity. We have successfully emptied and cleaned more than 40 digesters in Australia and New Zealand. Our experience and proven track record demonstrate that we have the skilled and experienced people, along with the resources and systems to safely and efficiently execute digester cleaning and sludge removal/dewatering contracts.