Port August Bypass, South Australia

The local water authority in South Australia had some major works with one of their pumping stations which required the system to be off-line for approximately 2 weeks.

Being a critical station in the sewer network, NPE were engaged by their contractor to undertake temporary sewer bypass works which entailed diverting the raw sewerage around the pumping chamber to allow these works to be undertaken.

Based on the existing pumping systems capabilities, suitably sized, solids handling Rental Pumps were selected by NPE to ensure the maximum flows could be handled to prevent any back-up of the system or potential overflows.

Our NPE Service/Operations Team installed the pumps and pipework as required by the client to ensure timeframes were met and a seamless change over.

Our pumping system was installed complete with a telemetry system, enabling the pump performance to be remotely monitored and to alert our Service Team of an issue if it were to occur.

The temporary rental bypass ran without issue, allowing the client to undertake their scope of works and reinstate the refurbished pumping system.

Once completed, our system was dismantled and demobilised.