651KG / 748 KG (WET)

1780L x 870W x 1160H

Standard Model Spec

Applying insights gained from industrial customers, rental companies, public utilities and other end users QAS generators are designed to withstand the most demanding on-site conditions and environments.

Considering their impressive performance at full capacity, the QAS line of generators includes excellent features for noise reduction and environmental protection.

QAS generators are purpose built for quick, easy and safe transport and on-site handling. Built to last, a QAS generator will provide years of dependable service for your electrical power generation needs. All members of the widely appreciated QAS family are intelligent multi-task units managing to power a wide range of electrical equipment in different applications.

Their superior component configuration offers a wide range of control modules, electrical settings and mechanical options, in order to guarantee superior quality at efficient operating costs.

Conceived for 100% prime power operation in the most severe outdoor conditions, ready to work in sensitive areas, QAS generators are designed and configured for safe operation with minimal downtime under any circumstance.

Key Features
  • Carefully selected components, accurately developed and tested configuration
  • Accurate and stable power regardless of the conditions
  • Superior standard configuration and extensive option list
  • Ability to power a wide range of applications
  • Service efficiency: increased up-time
  • Compact and safe concept and sturdy design
  • Increased transport efficiency
  • Designed and built to last
  • Superior resale value / longer life time
  • 500 hours service interval and superior accessibility to all service points
Performance Data
Generator QAS 14 Kd QAS 14 Kd QAS 14 Kd
Rated speedrpm15001800
Rated power factor (lagging)0.80.8
Rated Prime Power, PRPkVA13.716.3
Rated Prime Power, PRPkW10.9613
Limited Time Power, ESP (Stand-by)kVA15.0717.9
Limited Time Power, ESP (Stand-by)kW12.05614.3
Continuous Operation Power, COP (Continuous)kVA13.716.3
Continuous Operation Power, COP (Continuous)kW10.9613
Rated voltage (3ph. line to line)V400480
Rated voltage (1ph. line to neutral)V230277
Rated current 3ph. (PRP)A19.819.6
Rated current 3ph. (ESP)A21.821.6
Maximum sound power level (LWA) complies with 2000/14/ECdB(A)8690
Maximum sound pressure level (LPA) at 7 mdB(A)5862
Coupling engine/alternatorDirect
Capacity fuel tank (total)l115
Fuel tank specificationsPlastic
Fuel Autonomy at full load (Considering full capacity)h32.826.54
Single step load acceptance (within G2, acc. ISO 8528-5:1993)%100100
Frequency drop (lower than % isochronous)%≤0.05
Maxim oil consumption 100% loadl/h0.020.02
Manufacturing and Environmental Standards

The QAS range is manufactured following stringent ISO 9001 regulations, and by a fully implemented Environmental Management System fulfilling ISO 14001 requirements.

Attention has been given to ensure minimum negative impact to the environment.
The QAS range complies with the latest noise emission directives.

0Declaration of Conformity

Our QAS EC falls under the provisions of the article 12.2 of the EC Directive 2005/42/EC on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to machinery, is in conformity with, the relevant Essential Health and Safety Requirements of this directive:

MACHINERY SAFETY (2006/42/EC): EN ISO 12100-1, EN ISO 12100-2, UNE EN 12601

ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY (2004/108/EC): EN 61000-6-5, EN 61000-6-4

LOW VOLTAGE EQUIPMENT (2006/95/EC): EN 60034, EN60204-1, EN 60439


IS0 8528: QAS generators are design to comply with ISO 8528 regulation

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