Cardinia Pump Station Upgrade, Cardinia VIC

NPE was engaged to supply a potable water bypass pumping system, while the existing Monbulk pump station at Silvan Reservoir was receiving a major structural overhaul and new pumps. 

In conjunction with AMS and Melbourne Water a bypass system was designed to be able to confidently take the existing pump station offline for an extended period with confidence that the local community would receive potable drinking water. 

Cardinia pump station at Cardinia Reservoir, was pumped up to Kalista Pump Station, approximately 125m static head. The bypass system was reversed pumped through the existing pipe network to feed the Kalister pump station. This was to allow Monbulk Pumpstation and the main feed pipeline from Silvan Reservoir to be taken offline at the same time. This enable AMS to do diving works on the Monbulk Pumpstation.  

NPE effectively and efficiently supplied potable drinking water to large population areas to the East of Melbourne for the entire job. Installed Pressure Relief and Pressure Sustain valves in line to protect the Melbourne Water assets from excess pressure and to allow effective control between both pumpstations for smooth operation.   

Through strategic planning and engineering, NPE and AMS in conjunction with Melbourne Water were able to take two critical potable water supplies offline and switch to temporary bypasses seamlessly.  Backed by NPE 24/7 support during the six months of bypassing to enable the Monbulk pump station works to be completed, while the local communities were always supplied fresh water.

If you need more information about this project or want to discuss potential collaborations, please reach out to us today!