Tug Harbour Project, WA

NPE were contracted to perform dewatering work and water treatment for the development of new Tug Harbour and material offload facility at Hunt point on Port Hedland’s Finucane Island. The new Tug Boat Harbour will house an extra 8 tugs, serves to lay some of the foundations for a massive outer harbour expansion in the near…

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Kings Square Development Project

The Kings Square Project was situated in the middle of Perth City Link and is a Western Australian Government Project. This project saw the creative collaborative works of several head contractors such as John Holland Group, Broad Constructions and Broad Civil. NPE were the preferred dewatering contractor during the development of the first four buildings, KS1,…

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Brisbane Airport QLD

McConnell Dowell was awarded the contract for the Dryandra Road Works, a significant structural element of the New Parallel Runway by Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC). The Dryandra Road Project is a reinforced concrete 4-lane underpass structure, supported on approximately 700 precast concrete piles including 1.5km of roadway, full underpass fit-out with portions of taxiway and…

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