Posts by Alex Boynes
Gas Pipeline Pigging Pump Packages, SA
NPE Supply operated comprehensive pigging pump packages across three different locations to ensure effective management and maintenance of gas pipeline systems. The project focused on the critical assessment of the Port Pirie lateral, a buried 6-inch diameter high-pressure gas pipeline extending 73km from Whyte Yarcowie to Bungama. Given the challenges presented by the pipeline being…
Read MoreBypass Pumping, Carseldine QLD
NPE was engaged to provide a sewer bypass while an existing main was realigned, the project’s larger scope is to construct a bridge over a rail crossing. Constraints we overcome with collaborative works between NPE and our client. We thank our client and the government authorities for the opportunity to provide our services.
Read MoreCardinia Pump Station Upgrade, Cardinia VIC
NPE was engaged to supply a potable water bypass pumping system, while the existing Monbulk pump station at Silvan Reservoir was receiving a major structural overhaul and new pumps. In conjunction with AMS and Melbourne Water a bypass system was designed to be able to confidently take the existing pump station offline for an extended…
Read MoreBypass Solutions, Monbulk VIC
NPE was engaged to supply a potable water bypass pumping system, while the existing Monbulk pump station at Silvan Reservoir was receiving a major structural overhaul and new pumps. In conjunction with AMS and Melbourne Water, a bypass system was designed to be able to confidently take the existing pump station offline for an extended…
Read MoreSuccessful Mechanical Dewatering, Perth Metro WRRF
NPE is an expert in digester cleaning and sludge removal. We are proud to announce that NPE has been awarded another anaerobic digester contract to clean, empty, screen and desludge the material via one of our new state of the art mobile centrifuge units for one of our valued clients. With support from our Conhur…
Read MorePumping & Testing Operations, WA
NPE oil & gas team was initially contracted by a client to provide a high-pressure pumping package for an R&D project. What began as a straightforward equipment hire agreement, including operators, evolved into a comprehensive solution where NPE managed the entire project. When the client encountered roadblocks with the planned site, NPE stepped in to…
Read MoreBypass Pumping, Penrith NSW
NPE Supplying Penrith with a Wastewater Bypass System to Facilitate Pump Station Upgrades Installing a wastewater bypass system in Penrith marks a significant milestone in upgradingthe main pump station. NPE, a leading provider of wastewater solutions, has successfully supplied and installed the system, ensuring minimal disruption to essential services during the upgrade process. The wastewater…
Read MoreSewage Bypass Management Project Tuross, NSW
NPE Temporary Sewage Bypass Management Project Underway in Tuross, NSW NPE is pleased to announce that it has been engaged by IronBuilt Infrastructure to commence the temporary sewage bypass management and construction project in Tuross, NSW. The project aims to facilitate the upgrade of the existing infrastructure by the Civil team. NPE has diligently developed…
Read MoreWell Point Dewatering, Perth WA
NPE were engaged by Alita Constructions to install dewatering at 2 different locations at their project located on Dowd St, Welshpool. The purpose of the install was to allow the client to excavate below the water table to complete the final connection of the site stormwater system and install a large aerobic treatment unit. We…
Read MoreTank Flush, Esperance WA
NPE were engaged by Carey MC to provide Dewatering and Environmental Management for the Berth 2 hardstand renewal, construction of flush tanks and installation of a dissolved metal treatment filter system at Southern Ports’ Port of Esperance. NPE began with the development of the Dewatering Management Plan to align with the conditions required by the…
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